Little Pond on the Prairie

....where the little adventures mean the most!

Goodbye Mr. Scarecrow

Friday, October 14, 2005

Today, we are in mourning for Mr. Scarecrow. He was such a kind and quiet kind of fellow. He never really asked for much out of life. Just a nice bale of straw to sit on, some pretty mums surrounding him, a big bright pumpkin to keep him from the dark, and some cornstalks with orange twinkle lights flickering like the blaze of a warm bonfire. All too soon, this was taken away from him as he was ripped from his surroundings without notice. The beast came out of nowhere! Snarling. Growling. In all of 10 minutes the scarecrow's life had ended. An arm here……. Part of a leg over there...... Stuffing EVERYWHERE! As I turned to prepare myself for the attacker, I saw him sitting there, in the middle of the yard. He seemed to be out of breath, his tail wagging, basking in his accomplishment. As if he was saying, "Look Mom! I got him!" Yes, Toby, our yellow lab, KILLED our scarecrow yesterday!

posted by sports_mom91, 7:21 AM


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